Pertubation in VR | Biomechanics |Science Update

17 Jul 2020

New study to prevent accidents associated with falls. The research at the Hochschule Koblenz (Koblenz University of Applied Sciences) (Remagen) was performed on an h/p/cosmos pulsar® 3p treadmill along with the Unity Virtual Reality (VR) and Qualisys AB motion capturing system. The subject has to avoid randomized obstacles in VR and avoidance strategies are analysed. The safety in the test setting got guaranteed by the safety arch and harness. The video shows our Björn Zimmermann testing the setup and walking in the VR for the first time.

h/p/cosmos wishes the University of Applied Science Koblenz / Remagen a successful investigation.

Weber, A., Nickel, P., Hartmann, U., Friemert, D., & Karamanidis, K. (2020, July). Contributions of Training Programs Supported by VR Techniques to the Prevention of STF Accidents. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 276-290). Springer, Cham.



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