Performance testing for firefighters | Special Applications | Science Update

firefighter assessment on the ladder ergometer
05 Aug 2022

We serve those, who are serving!

For many years, h/p/cosmos has been equipping firefighter testing and training facilities across the globe with special equipment. The very specific trainings and assessments of firefighters require durable, stable and reliable special solutions. Firefighters need to be very fit in order to fulfil their demanding, sometimes even life-threatening tasks and they need to prove their fitness e.g. especially to wear a self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) under these extreme conditions. Treadmills, bike ergometers and our endless ladder h/p/cosmos discovery are typical tools beside others of such testing setups.

Researchers worldwide do have the aim to further improve the firefighter´s performance and their personal protective equipment. In a recent study by researchers from Lodz, Poland, evaluated the “functionality of warning system in smart protective clothing for firefighters”. Different types of personal warning systems (PWSs) were tested on their safety of use and functionality of these systems in extreme environment, including temperature, light, noise, fog and performed activities. In this research the tests were performed on an instrumented h/p/cosmos mercury that had an incorporated Zebris pressure sensor matrix.
Dąbrowska, A., Bartkowiak, G., & Kotas, R. (2021). Evaluation of functionality of warning system in smart protective clothing for firefighters. Sensors, 21(5), 1767.

firefighter assessment on the h/p/cosmos ladder ergometer discovery