Arab Health 2017

30 Jan 2017

We exhibit together with zebris medical at the Arab Health in Dubai ( The exhibition takes place from January 30 - February 2 (from 10 am to 6 pm) and is the most important trade fair in the Middle East for us . There we present the zebris Rehawalk system  in combination with the h/p/cosmos unweighting system airwalk® ap.

You can find uns at the German Pavillon in Zabeel hall Z2 K59. Make an appointment with our Sales Director Alexander Böck: 

We look forward to meeting you in Dubai.

Rehawalk: The treadmill-assisted zebris Rehawalk® system is designed for the analysis and treatment of gait disorders in neurological, orthopedic and geriatric rehabilitation.

With the airwalk® ap you can start with your gait training and functional training very early after an injury. The goal is to bring the athlete‘s or patient‘s movements back to a normal rhythm - even if the joints are not fully loadable (with normal gravity) yet.