Successful workshop at the Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Godeshöhe

Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Godeshöhe
14 May 2020
Im März diesen Jahres hat unser Team ein brandneues im installiert.
In March, our team installed a brand new system for neurological gait rehabilitation, consisting of an airwalk® ap unweighting system, a locomotion® 150/50 med treadmill as well as robowalk® expanders (front & back) at the Neurologischen Rehabilitationszentrum Godeshöhe close to Cologne in Germany.
Now, with rehabilitation gaining pace again in Germany, our specialists – in consideration of special hygienic measures - held a workshop and training to enable the best possible re-start on the new tools for the therapists!
We wish Rian de Louwere and her team all the best for the re-start and great success with the new equipment!
Thank you for the trust and commitment and we are looking forward to the next workshop on gait therapy!