Zebris webinar "Gait analysis & training in rehabilitation"

Zebris Webinar Jöllenbeck
14 Sep 2021

Webinar | instrumented treadmills | biomechanics | gait analysis & training

Last week, our partner zebris hosted a webinar on “Gait analysis & gait training in rehabilitation. The use of instrumented zebris treadmill systems in clinical applications”. The instrumented pluto treadmill in the zebris showroom was the perfect biomechanics tool for this very expertise and hands-on session led by Prof. Dr. Thomas Joellenbeck and Dr. Juliane Pietschmann, both working at the Klinik Lindenplatz (Bad Sassendorf/Germany). The recording is now available on YouTube!

Thank you zebris for hosting and sharing this hands-on session!

DIrekt link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6VuuCbrGtA

#gaitanalysis #gaittraining #therapy #rehabilitation #locomotion